Digital Billboard Advertising in Seattle, WA

立即 & 灵活的广告媒介

数字户外广告提供了创新的方式,通过改进服务和便利来扩大消费者的互动. With their flexibility and immediacy, digital billboards can help advertisers deliver highly relevant & personalized customer messages, to the audiences they wish to target.

数字广告牌广告可以实时更新以响应消费者的需求等等. They drive consumers to websites, and can facilitate social media engagement, 资料及更新. Electronic billboards can feature:

  1. Live scores and sports updates
  2. 新闻直播
  3. 时间和日期
  4. Temperature and live weather
  5. 倒计时
  6. 推特
  7. 短期报价
  8. 员工或客户照片!

Digital OOH can be updated quickly and precisely target desired audiences – faster than broadcast and print media. Copy changes can be changed as frequently as necessary, 自动的或动态的, with no additional charges for production or installation! Interested in seeing what these displays can do for your brand? 我们谈谈这件事吧

Take Advantage of All the Benefits Digital Billboards Offer Advertisers

Digital billboard advertising allows for:

  1. Hard-to-ignore color brilliancy
  2. Multiple messages capability
  3. 易于更改副本
  4. Savings on install and production costs
  5. Live, real-time connection via web feeds

A Nielsen study also recently reported:

  • 63% say digital advertisements capture their attention
  • 42% think digital displays create an image of quality
  • 36% take some action based on seeing digital signage


Digital billboards, also called Electronic or LED billboards, 大型广告牌(公告)是否通过互联网连接以电子方式改变内容. 数字广告牌占据了标牌的整个表面(我们有300平方英尺), 672 square foot and 1200 square foot displays), the advertisements are static (not animated), and change instantaneously every 8 seconds, 类似于幻灯片放映. With these large Digital Out-Of-首页 (DOOH) billboards, we deliver large and/or concentrated demographic audiences to your brand, 业务, 促销活动, 事件, 或造成. 

Electronic LED Billboards vs. Traditional Static Billboards

A traditional static billboard, 或公告, serves one advertiser for a specific time period, posted on banner material physically by an installer. 副本只能通过发送安装人员到标识上安装广告来更改. 数字LED电子广告牌具有滚动浏览多个广告客户的能力, 立即更改副本, and rotate through multiple designs.

Digital Billboard Advertising Provides Massive Exposure For Brands in Seattle

Our electronic billboards are seen by cars, 公共交通乘客, and pedestrians on major roads and highways throughout Seattle. 澳门银河赌博平台注册在包括塔科马州I-5在内的主要高速公路上运营着14块户外数字广告牌, as well as Hwy 527 in Snohomish county, Lynwood and Miller Creek areas. Our Digital Billboard Network, consisting of 14 electronic displays in the Seattle/Tacoma metro area, 产出/ 1.4 million impressions weekly. 

我们巨大的20×60 I-5户外LED广告牌在塔科马港和法夫出口以北几英里处,以及I-5最拥挤的地方之一的翡翠赌场,向北和向南行驶的车辆都可以看到. This allows for enormous daily impressions and long unobstructed viewing time. 我们在塔科马南部的坎宁路也有独家的数字广告牌. 在西雅图北部, 我们在富裕的斯诺霍米什县经营显示屏,在米尔克里克经营电子LED广告牌, 峡谷公园, Alderwood购物中心, 和林伍德社区.

Here’s How Our Electronic Billboard Campaigns in Seattle Work: 

When we book your campaign with you, we will guarantee a certain number of average daily spots (1,200 spots per display is standard). 在LED广告牌上的一个标准的全点广告将被旅行的公众看到,大约每分钟8秒(特别是每64秒),全天和整夜, 最小值为1,200 spots in a 24 hour period. 如果有人购买了半个位置,他们的广告将每128秒显示一次. every 2 minutes) totaling 600 8-second spots daily.

Scheduling Your Advertisement

一旦我们有了最终的设计, 我们使用安全的无线连接将广告客户安排到一个或多个远程数字显示器中. 我们的典型日程安排是在64秒的循环中运行8条不同的消息,重复24小时. 大多数广告主购买的节程表允许在64秒循环的8个8秒“插播”中的一个插播, but some elect to buy more or less spots based on availability and budget. We do not day-part or sell specific hour or minute segments in a 24 hour period, 所有的广告客户都会根据他们购买的广告位数量进入循环,并获得与广告客户相同的时间.


数字广告牌营销活动通常以4周为基础,我们的平均合同期限为6个月. 我们的许多广告商都利用了我们的年度活动,他们可以很容易地修改文案,以配合季节, 促销活动, or new offerings during the course of a year. 我们还提供一些短至1周甚至几天的数字户外广告活动, but most are greater than 8 weeks. 价格以个人为基础报价,并根据计划的显示而有所不同, quantity of locations or spots booked, 一年中的时间, what our current occupancy is, and the length of the contract. Contact us and we will provide you a quote based on your needs and requests.

Need More Reasons to Advertise with our Digital Displays?

尼尔森发现 75%的旅行者 在过去的一个月里注意到一个数字广告牌广告,60%的人在过去的一周里注意到一个. Of the travelers who noticed a digital billboard in the past month, 55 percent were highly engaged with the ad message.

Ready to Increase Your Brand Exposure in Seattle? 

我们的内部创意团队可以协助您的设计需求,并与您一起安排RSS订阅或您的数字信息拥有或可能拥有的任何动态内容. 我们的网络控制部门为您安排一切,提供报告和实时摄像机照片,以满足您的性能证明需求.

想要开始吗?? 请与我们澳门新银河平台首页,我们经验丰富的销售专家将与您协商,以创建最适合您的预算和目标的数字广告牌广告活动.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

澳门银河赌博平台注册 is a top notch company in all facets of the 业务. 团队运用前瞻性策略,展现出强大的协作和创新精神. It’s clear that Pacific Outdoor prides themselves for being detail-oriented, organized and always open to constructive feedback, making our 业务 relationship effortless. It is a true pleasure to work with such a talented and trusted team.
在我们与他们合作的十年里,他们提供了非凡的客户服务, responsiveness to requests and come up with some great ideas. They make the process of changing our campaigns easy. They have a tight team who work closely together and with the clients. We look forward to working with them for many years to come.
澳门银河赌博平台注册户外的专业人员在实施各种户外战略方面发挥了关键作用. 他们为我们提供了一种交钥匙体验,为我们的客户提供了我们期望的结果. They managed the entire process from creative and production, 澳门银河赌博平台注册的建议, installation and proof of performance. 在这些充满挑战的时期,澳门银河赌博平台注册户外也展示了与我们合作的真正伙伴关系.
我们的澳门银河赌博平台注册户外销售人员提供出色的客户服务和支持,同时让我们觉得自己是优先考虑的. 澳门银河赌博平台注册户外使这个过程很容易,并愿意与我们在预算和时间框架我们的活动.
Dr. 美国马丁航空公司
我在澳门银河赌博平台注册户外工作了近十年,利用户外媒体为我们客户的品牌创造领导地位. I've always felt they understood what we're trying to achieve, bringing expertise and creative solutions to help us succeed. 周围都是好人.
随着人们的日常生活开始发生变化,澳门银河赌博平台注册户外公司花时间了解客户不断变化的需求和策略. They helped us to manage the entire process from production, 澳门银河赌博平台注册的建议, installation and proof of performance. Our Pacific Outdoor salesperson was quick to respond and always accessible. Our program was seamless and our campaign generated results. 在这些充满挑战的时期,澳门银河赌博平台注册户外展示了与我们合作的真正伙伴关系.
在这些充满挑战的时期,澳门银河赌博平台注册户外展示了与我们合作的真正伙伴关系. 你们非常乐意为我们提供额外的地点,并且一直非常支持在我的预算范围内.
澳门银河赌博平台注册户外花时间了解我们的需求,并超越执行一个优秀的户外广告活动. 他们总是尽可能地适应并迅速解决所有最后一分钟的要求和变化. During these unforeseen/challenging times, 澳门银河赌博平台注册是一个真正的合作伙伴, offering clients creative solutions and making whole on commitments.
澳门银河赌博平台注册户外为我安排了一个具有成本效益和高度可见的活动,带来了即时的客户和员工反馈, everyone mentioned the billboards!
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